

The wild rose is, above all, a rich source of vitamin C. Its fruit (rosehips) also contains lycopene (important and strong antioxidant), group A and B vitamins , organic acids, and flavonoids.

The nutrients present in rosehips stimulate the immune system: they have antibacterial, anti-viral, anti-oxidative effects and prevent viral infections. Pectins soothe, help in constipation, stimulate intestinal activity, and lower cholesterol levels. Flavonoid-rich rosehips strengthen the capillaries and can help in the treatment of inflammatory diseases such as osteoarthritis .

Grana offers rosehip-based instant beverages, which are an ideal alternative to traditional teas. The products of the Wilde Rose brand, which are rich in antioxidants and vitamin C, are additionally enriched with stevia to balance the taste of beverages.